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Neil Plant

Neil Plant
3 August 2021

Paper Packaging Vs Single Use Plastic

The term “Single-Use” was the Collins English Dictionary word of the year in 2018 and was the Macquarie Dictionary’s People’s Choice word of the year.

The CED’s word of the year for 2019 was “Climate Strike“, and the OED’s was “Climate Emergency“. These word choices are more than sheer coincidence. A larger proportion of society is becoming increasingly more aware of the growing need to make positive, environmentally beneficial changes.

The benefits of paper packaging compared to plastic packaging

The term “Single-Use” was the Collins English Dictionary word of the year in 2018 and was the Macquarie Dictionary’s People’s Choice word of the year.

The CED’s word of the year for 2019 was “Climate Strike“, and the OED’s was “Climate Emergency“. These word choices are more than sheer coincidence. A larger proportion of society is becoming increasingly more aware of the growing need to make positive, environmentally beneficial changes.

Plans are currently in place to begin the task of changing how companies approach packaging, with a Plastics Tax to be implemented by 2022. Knowing where to start can be daunting, but we’re on hand with all the information and expertise you need to help prepare and transition your business from single-use plastic to sustainable packaging.

According to a consumer survey, 9 out of 10 consumers would choose paper-based packaging or labels over other packaging materials because paper is one of the easiest and most common to recycle.

As much as 70% of paper is recycled each year. Curb side recycling, community recycling stations and workplace recycle bins have made it easier than ever to recycle. In order to continue and build upon this, companies must begin making the switch from single-use plastics to paper alternatives such as paper cushioning and pallet containment nets.


Alternative to Plastic Bubblewrap

Paperble™ is a 100% compostable paper bubblewrap that provides protection for products whilst minimising damage to the environment.

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Plastic packaging takes an unprecedented amount of time to biodegrade. A lot of items can take up to 1000 years to break down, others can take 200 to 450 years.

Plastic takes so long to degrade because it doesn’t occur in nature meaning the organisms needed to break it down don’t exist. The solution is clear: single-use plastics need to be rethought, and replaced. The best thing it can be replaced by is paper packaging.

Paper is very sustainable. It is made out of wood: a completely natural material that is entirely biodegradable and recyclable. Paper can be reused at least seven times and even when it’s totally at the end of its cycle, the waste comprises of completely non-toxic fibres. Our paper products are FSC® certified guaranteeing the responsible management of the forests in the supply chain ensuring the paper you use is as sustainable as it can get.

End-users will need to dispose of the packaging around your product, so making sure that this is easy and friendly to the environment is possibly one of the most important aspects to consider when it comes to packaging choices.

Steve Maxim
Business Development

Whether you need to maintain existing packaging performance, reduce damage rates, increase efficiency or reduce costs, we can help you.

There are a lot of alternatives to single-use plastic packaging:

1. PaperStrap Pro: A 100% recyclable alternative to plastic strapping. Designed to be used with automatic and semi-automatic strapping machines.

2. Pallet Containment Net: Whilst not strictly a paper product, the P.C. Net™ is a reusable and returnable alternative to pallet wrap.

3. PaperPal: Easy-to-use, low cost VoidFill solution.

4. Geami WrapPak: A recyclable alternative to bubble wrap. Converting environmentally friendly paper into packaging that offers excellent protection.

Explore more of our single-use plastic alternatives

At Maxpack we can help you re-think and replace single-use plastics. From developing your in-the-box packaging designs to training your packers, we help you throughout the process.

Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you implement paper packaging into your packing process and change the way your business approaches single-use plastic.

01743 242 900

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