394x610mm Embossed Straw Paper Sheets

Made from 100% recycled straw, this embossed paper packaging features a bubble pattern and can be used for a variety of packing purposes, void-fill and cushion protection of... Read More

from £39.56 (ex VAT)

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394 x 610mm
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4 - 7 Pack

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Product Benefits

  • Eco-friendly alternative to Bubble Wrap
  • 100% compostable
  • Simple, efficient and environmentally friendly


Made from 100% recycled straw, this embossed paper packaging features a bubble pattern and can be used for a variety of packing purposes, void-fill and cushion protection of various delicate items for transit. Embossed paper is 100% recyclable and a great eco-friendly alternative to other packaging protection. At 130 grams per square metre (GSM), it is a perfect thickness to be both lightweight and durable. 1000 per pack.