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Ryan Leader

Ryan Leader
19 March 2020

Supporting The British Manufacturing Industry

Britain is currently on trend to become one of the top five industrial nations in the world by 2021. Experts are projecting that by 2025 the fourth industrial revolution will create a value of £2.7 trillion worldwide and Britain is set to be one of the main benefactors of this industrial boom.

Maxpack - Supporting The British Packaging Industry

Automation, rising manpower costs in low-cost countries, quicker lead times and carbon awareness are all conspiring to make manufacturing inside the UK more competitive compared with low-cost countries. This, combined with the arrival of the global trade tensions and now also COVID-19, has focused purchasing and production managers on looking more actively at domestic or local supply options.

In effect, this may be the push the industry needs to embrace dual-resourcing and look at solutions closer to home. This process could be greatly helped by government incentives to identify and encourage investments in areas where the country is weak, with a particular emphasis on productivity.


Renationalisation of supply, renewed localisation of production, and a decoupling of major economies from one another, these are likely to be the lasting effects of COVID-19.

Jeremy Warner
The Telegraph

COVID-19, in one form or another, is here to stay.

Supply chains must react now. We’ve entered a new era of working from home and self-isolation, but even as businesses look to re-open and resume altered operations, supply chains need to be broken up and no longer will it be acceptable to only have one supplier that may be thousands of miles away. The time for that is over because the current pandemic has changed the face of work forever.

At Maxpack we are proud to be one of the leading supporters of the British manufacturing industry and remain dedicated to ensuring its growth and sustainability.

For nearly 25 years we have been supporting the manufacturing sector with Environmentally Sustainable Industrial Packaging Customisation, Packaging Systems and Multi-Site Stock Management.

There are many challenges facing British manufacturers; lean operating, freeing up a reliable supply chain, increased productivity, cost reduction and environmental obligations all playing their part.

Maxpack are dedicated to establishing the best solutions that ensure British companies optimise their packaging and manufacturing lines and stay future-proofed.

Ensuring that your packaging supply chain benefits your company requires a lot more than just securing a good financial package. Maxpack understands how every concept of packaging affects your business from automation, finances, plastics management and replacement, stock management and more.

Want to discuss how we can support your manufacturing and packing operation?

Get in touch with a member of the team:

Sales & Support: 01743 242900

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